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  1. 中国文化 Chinese culture

  2. 文化交流 cultural communication

  3. 中国市场 China market

  4. 普及中国传统文化的美德 popularize the virtue of the traditional culture of China

  5. 文化的本质 the essence of culture

  6. 价值 value

  7. 交流、交换 exchange

  8. 友好关系 friendly relationship

  9. 国家实力 national strength

  10. 国际地位 international status

  11. 经济腾飞 economic boom

  12. 尊重 respect

  13. 建立友好关系 establish some friendly relationship

  14. 中国话 Chinese language

  15. 无价之宝 priceless treasure

  16. 欣赏中国的美 enjoy the beauty of China

  17. 政治 politics

  18. 中国综合国力 Chinese comprehensive national strength

  19. 传统建筑 traditional construction

  20. 传统手工艺品 traditional handicraft works

  21. 中国美食 Chinese food


  1. 中国日益增长的国际地位开始吸引世界各个国家的注意力。

  China’s rising international status is starting to draw the attention of governments around the world.

  2. 汉语是未来最重要的语言。

  Chinese is the most important language in the future.

  3. 对于在中国工作的或和中国做生意的外国人,学习汉语将是生活中的必备。

  Learning Chinese, for foreigners working in China and doing business with China, is essential in life.

  4. 众所周知,英语被越来越多的人认可。然而,世界上说汉语的人也在逐渐增多。

  We all know that English is accepted by an increasing number, but Chinese now is used by more and more people in the world.

  5. 近年来,中国的快速发展使中国的经济、文化、政治等在国际世界占有一定的地位。

  China has been developing quickly in the recently years, and it follows that we have been accepted among the international world in the area of economic, culture, politics and so on.

  6. 随着中国综合国力的提高,国际间的交流让更多的外国人想学习中文来与中国建立友好关系。

  As Chinese comprehensive national strength has been improved, the communication between international countries makes more and more foreigners want to learn Chinese to establish some friendly relationship with Chinese.

  7. 很多游客和学者对中国悠长的历史和灿烂的文化感兴趣。

  Many tourists and scholars are interested in our long history and profound culture.

  8. 一些外国人学习汉语是为了欣赏中国的美,一些人是为了中国的美食,一些人是为了传统工艺,还有一些人是为了交流文化。

  Some foreigners are learning Chinese to enjoy the beauty of China, some to taste Chinese food, some to admire traditional handicraft works and some others to exchange culture.

  9. 我们可以预测未来中国话和文化将会持续流行。

  We can predict that the Chinese language and culture will continue to be popular in the coming years.

  10. 越来越多的游客不仅仅着迷于体验有趣的城市和地标,还在于体验在目的地真实的文化交流。

  More and more tourists are fascinated by experiencing not only interesting cities and landmarks but also real cultural exchange at their destination.

  11. 由于全球化的趋势不可阻挡,越来越多的文化交流将有效地促进共同的理解与友谊。

  Since the trend of globalization seems irresistible, the increasing cultural exchanges will effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship.

  12. 文化创造是人类文明进步的重要成果,文化交流是推动人类文明进步的重要力量。

  Cultural innovation is an important fruit of human civilization progress and cultural exchange is a vital force behind such progress.


  Directions: write an announcement to welcome students to join Chinese club. You should write about 100 words following the outline given below:

  1) main activities of the club,

  2) benefits of joining the club, and

  3) how to join the club.


  Welcome to the Chinese Club

  November 20, 2018

  Welcome to the Chinese club! This club provides an excellent stage for all the students to show their talents.

  As we all know, Chinese is the most significant language in the future. Our club offers a variety of activities for students, including panel debate, watching traditional dramas and so on. These activities are of profound significance. First of all, our activities could hugely improve your level of proficiency in Chinese. Furthermore, you can learn more about Chinese culture and make friends with interesting people.

  You can submit a written application for membership to our office or email us via Chineseclub@163.com. The deadline for application is December 20. Just come and join us!

  Chinese Club